DIY vs. Professional Outdoor Lighting: What Works Best?

When it comes to outdoor lighting, homeowners often find themselves at a crossroads: should they opt for a DIY light kit or seek professional installation? At Frisella Outdoor Lighting, we understand that both options have their merits and challenges. In this blog, we’ll delve into the pros and cons of DIY LED light kits and professional outdoor lighting solutions, helping you make an informed decision for your lighting needs.

The Appeal of DIY Outdoor Lighting Kits

  1. Cost-Effective: One of the biggest draws of DIY light kits, especially DIY LED light kits, is cost-effectiveness. They are generally less expensive upfront than professional installations.
  1. Customization and Fun: For those who enjoy hands-on projects, DIY outdoor lighting kits offer the opportunity to be creative. It can be a fun weekend project, allowing you to customize the design as you see fit.
  1. Immediate Solution: DIY kits are readily available at most home improvement stores, making them a quick fix for basic outdoor lighting needs.

Challenges of DIY Outdoor Lighting 

  1. Complexity of Design: While DIY kits provide basic lighting solutions, they might fall short in achieving a complex or highly aesthetic design.
  1. Time and Effort: The installation process can be time-consuming and might require a certain level of expertise, especially for more elaborate setups.
  1. Longevity and Quality Concerns: DIY kits may not always offer the same quality and durability as professional systems, potentially leading to more frequent repairs or replacements.

The Professional Outdoor Lighting Advantage

  1. Expertise and Experience: Professional lighting installers bring a wealth of experience. They can handle complex designs and ensure that your outdoor lighting is both functional and artistically appealing.
  1. Higher Quality and Durability: Professional outdoor lighting often uses higher-quality materials and offers better longevity compared to most DIY light kits.
  1. Comprehensive Planning and Execution: Professionals will consider all aspects of outdoor lighting, from aesthetic appeal to safety and energy efficiency.

Considerations for Professional Outdoor Lighting 

  1. Cost Investment: Professional installations are more of an investment compared to DIY kits. However, this investment pays off in terms of quality, durability, and overall satisfaction. 
  1. Customized Solutions: Professionals can offer tailored solutions to match your specific needs, something that off-the-shelf DIY kits cannot always provide.
  1. Hassle-Free Experience: Opting for professional installation means you don’t have to worry about the intricacies of the installation process.


The choice between DIY outdoor lighting kits and professional installation depends on various factors, including budget, desired quality, complexity of the project, and personal interest in DIY projects. DIY LED light kits offer an immediate, cost-effective solution for simple projects, but they may lack the sophistication and durability of professional installations.

On the other hand, professional outdoor lighting guarantees a high-quality, lasting, and custom-designed lighting setup that enhances your outdoor space’s beauty and functionality.

At Frisella Outdoor Lighting, we’re dedicated to helping you find the best lighting solutions that meet your aesthetic desires and practical needs, whether it’s through a DIY approach or a professional service.